
: the state of being happy, healthy, or prosperous (Merriam-Webster)


There are many factors that contribute to our well-being, many cannot be controlled (environmental, societal, structural, etc.), but some can be. How do we work with what we can control to help you find a path to achieving a sense of well-being? That’s the reason I have embarked on this path of Well-being coaching.


In the years that I have worked with clients, patients, students, and organizers, trying to help them find solutions to problems, I realized that my professions have taught me to see patterns that may cause problems for someone, and help build systems and solutions to help people recognize these patterns and navigate them better.

In my work as a clinician, I actually find that many of my patients spend much of their time just talking through their issues with me. Often I help them find solutions that allow them to solve similar future problems on their own.

Similarly, I have leveraged these skills to help clients successfully navigate different types of difficulties they encounter in life, career, and relationships. I want to do the same for other people who have hit dead-ends in certain aspects of their life and want to try something new. This is similar to the reason and motivation for which I practice TCM.


My interest is not to keep you on a long course of sessions. I want to help you achieve specific goal(s) and solve problems, but also learn something about yourself while you are doing that. Hopefully your discoveries will lead you closer to attaining a sense of well-being.

Contact me to find out to see whether or not this type of coaching is a good option for you. There will first be a free 15 minute screening call, during which we will figure out whether or not we are a right fit. I don’t think this type of coaching is suitable for everyone, and obviously I may not be the one who can give you the best guidance. Once we both agree we should work together, I offer starting packages of 3 sessions + 1 follow-up and 5 sessions + 1 follow-up over a three month period. Existing clients can book single sessions as needed.


You may want to consider this path if you…
❀ …have a specific bottleneck that you’re trying to work through
❀ …are frustrated that you keep running into the same problems in relationships
❀ …want to take a big step but are scared
❀ …are “conventionally successful” but unhappy
❀ …are confused about what you want to do next
❀ …are very “coachable” but need the right coach
❀ …etc.